
Friday, March 16, 2012

Plans for next week

Here are the tentative plans for next week. I write "tentative" because I really am not positive how each day will go. I do know, however, that we will not be able to test over "Julius Caesar" until the Wednesday we return from Spring Break. We will finish the play this week, but I want to make sure everyone is on the same page before we test.

Monday-listen to Act IV
Tuesday-watch Act IV/Quiz
Wednesday-Memory Work (long) due/Act V notes
Thursday-listen to Act V/watch Act V
Friday-Quiz over Act V

Honors-in addition I have given the Honors class an additional book to read out of class. I will give them a schedule next week. We will not be having quizzes over this novel. We will discuss some in-class and then they will write an essay for their "test".

As always, please message me with questions or concerns.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

This week's plans

Here are plans for the upcoming week. Please remember that these are subject to change as our schedule is getting pretty crazy with checkouts, etc. Remind your student that it is his or her responsibility to make up any missing work. I will not remind them about what is missing! They need to come to me. Wednesday marks the 9 week deficiency period and so, by the end of the day Wednesday 3/14 all ** will become zeros.

As always please email me with questions or concerns!

Monday-listen to Act III
Tuesday-watch Act III /Quiz over Act III
Wednesday-Schindler's List
Thursday-Memory Work #2 (short)/Act IV notes
Friday-Vocab Quiz over "Age" words pgs. 80-82/listen to Act IV

Thursday, March 1, 2012

A new month!

Historically at TPS March begins the slide to the end of the semester and the end of the year! I have so enjoyed getting to know the class of 2014. They are smart, talented, and fun. Although we still have a lot to cover, I feel so accomplished as to what we have done thus far. I wanted to give you assignments for next week and a few others to put on the calendar. Please understand that some of these are estimates, as reading and discussing Shakespeare can take more or less time than expected. As always, do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or comments!

Monday-JC Act I Quiz
Tuesday-JC notes-Act II/listen Act II
Wednesday-Memory Work due (Short I)
Thursday-watch Act II/Act II Quiz
Friday-Vocab Quiz pg 71-75? Extra credit for completing exercises (3.15-3.21)

Coming up...
Memory Work (Short II)- TUESDAY March 13
Memory Work (Long)- March 21